1. Get into nursing school
2. Maintain my grade point
3. Start my hospital volunteering
4. Get my NAC license
5. Buy more used and less new (shop thrift stores, consignment stores, craigslist)
6. Get more free and make like new (Did I mention I love craigslist)
7. Repurpose more. Try to make another use for something before throwing it away
8. What comes in the house stays in the house (reuse, repurpose, donate – less waste!)
9. Make lots of trips to the farmers market in the summer
10. Get the family out for hikes in the summer
11. See Auntie Megan at least every 2 weeks
12. See Auntie Jamie at least once a month
13. See Auntie Amiellia at least every 3 months
14. Make more gifts rather than buy
15. Make craft projects with the girls at least twice a week
16. Start Maddie in gymnastics classes
17. Start Maddie in ballet classes
18. Start Maddie on a soccer team
19. Start Maddie in swimming classes
20. Start Maddie in kindergarten
21. Start Maddie in horseback riding lessons
22. Take Maddie to her first real haircut (she’ll get tired of mom doing it after a while, I’m sure)
23. Picnic more
24. See Evie take her first steps
25. Start Evie in gymnastics classes
26. Start Evie in ballet classes
27. Start Evie on a soccer team
28. Start Evie in swimming classes
29. Start Evie in preschool
30. Do something creative everyday
31. Read one book for pleasure at least once a month
32. Walk more
33. Take the girls to the park at least twice a week
34. Take the girls to the library at least once a week
35. Read to the girls every night I’m at home for bedtime
36. Try to wash, dry, and fold the laundry all in 24 hours
37. No more energy drinks – I am approaching 30
38. Turn 30!
39. Less diet coke
40. Drink more water
41. Drink more tea
42. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies
43. Try a new recipes at least twice a month
44. Stop eating fast food! Gross!
45. Have a family night out once a month
46. Have a family night in at least once a month (movie night, game night)
47. Have a date night with husband once a month
48. Give it up to my husband more. He had a rough 2011. (This one is for you Steve – sorry everyone else)
49. Lose some weight and get healthier. Getting down to prebaby weight would sure be nice
50. Get a new pair of jeans when I hit my prebaby weight!
51. Exercise more
52. Less TV
53. More music
54. Work on the 101 house list
55. Send cards or emails for friends birthdays
56. Send out a Christmas letter (whoops, that didn’t happen last year)
57. Figure out how to put all my contacts information in my phone
58. Be better about answering my phone
59. Be better about returning voicemails
60. Be better about returning emails (hmmm…does anyone sense a theme here?)
61. Keep this blog updated
62. Meditate in the morning
63. Be positive
64. Buy a nice camera
65. Take a photography class
66. Take lots of pictures of the girls, they grow up so fast
67. Let people take pictures of me
68. Put up more pictures of the family around the house
69. Don’t procrastinate
70. Make time for my mom – call or visit at least twice a month
71. Make time for my mom-in-law – call or visit at least twice a month
72. Call my grandpa once a month
73. Get a pet – Bird? Dog? Fish? We’ll see what we have time for
74. Learn to sew better (Or really, just learn to sew)
75. Patch clothes at least once a month
76. Make a space for clothes that need repair
77. Start shopping for myself at thrift stores. If it’s good enough for the girls clothes, it’s good enough for me too
78. Stop wearing sweatpants so much (that’s for you too Steve)
79. Get a new macbook (I really hope this happens in this 1001, mine is starting to have issues)
80. Start an etsy shop
81. Get the yard sign business up and running
82. Build up inventory for yard sign business
83. Kiss and hug my husband more
84. Build raised beds in the back yard
85. Plant a vegetable garden
86. Plant an herb garden
87. Plant a garden with/for Maddie
88. Plant a garden with/for Evie
89. Cook with food from our garden
90. Learn more about gardening :)
91. Install rain barrels and use them to water our plants
92. Spend time at the beach
93. Think of fun new things to do with the girls/family
94. Go to Disney world (this is in the plans thanks to some really fantastic friends)
95. Visit family in California and Arizona
96. Go camping
97. Visit at least 3 national parks
98. Sell our SUV
99. Buy a minivan! :)
100. Drive less
101. Say I love you to everyone in my family at least once a day
I realize all these posts so far are very wordy. Don't worry, I'll start including some pictures soon.
haha! i love how "drive less" follows "buy a minivan" ... such a cute juxtaposition!!